Sveučilište Powislański u Kwidzynu (Poljska) u suradnji s institucijama partnerima iz euroazijske regije, među kojima je i Veleučilište u Rijeci, organizira međunarodne dane za studente koji će se održati od 17. do 19. lipnja 2021. godine virtualno putem platforme MS Teams.
Međunarodni dani organizirani su po tematskim cjelinama podijeljenim u tri dana:
- Dan obuhvaća sljedeća tematska područja:
- Presentation of Powislanski University
- Presentation of the Erasmus+ programme including the presentation of partner universities
- Discussion – how to increase the prestige and brand of the University based on the careers and successes of graduates
- The successes of our students and graduates are the successes of our universities
- Dan nudi interaktivno predstavljanje sljedećih tematskih cjelina:
- Experience of students – beneficiaries of mobility programmes/projects
- Student's Advise Panel about preparation for mobility
- International Student Status – expectations/reality
- Support to foreign students by universities during the pandemic (moderator Polytechnic of Rijeka)
- Shaping of intercultural communication competence through internships abroad
- The eye of entrepreneurs – experience, specificity of work, chances for students
- Dan nudi interaktivan pregled sljedećih tematskih cjelina:
- The process of university internationalisation in a pandemic / Internationalization during the Pandemic / Internationalization of the Macedonian education system Mobility scoreboard
- Digitalization for Institutional Sustainability
- Double diploma as an element of increasing the internationalization of the University
- First steps of a graduate on the labour market – the value of vocational schools
- Pandemic from a student perspective / Online learning as an alternative form of learning
- Pandemic Covid – 19 and the demand for medical courses / new courses of study
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane studente da poprate međunarodne info dane te time steknu bolji uvid u mogućnosti programa međunarodne individualne mobilnosti Erasmus+, te iz prve ruke čuju iskustva drugih studenata tijekom realizacije mobilnosti, posebice u uvjetima pandemije.
Konačan program događanja, kao i poveznica s prijavom na međunarodne dane bit će objavljeni na sljedećem linku: