Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Dragi studenti,

Ukoliko ste studirali u inozemstvu, ljubazno Vas molimo da podijelite svoje iskustvo tako što ćete odgovoriti na upitnik ESNsurvey na .
Erasmus studentska mreža istražuje kako poboljšati Erasmus+ program kao i druge programe
mobilnosti studenata te treba vašu pomoć. Trebat će vam samo oko 20 minuta, a upitnik je
potpuno anoniman.
Hvala na pomoći i ugodan dan!
ESN Croatia

Dear students,

If you have been studying abroad, please do share your experience by answering our ESNsurvey 2021 questionnaire at

The Erasmus Student Network is researching how to improve the Erasmus programme as well
as other student mobility programmes and needs your help. It will only take you around 20
minutes and the questionnaire is completely anonymous.
Thanks for your help and have a great day!

ESN Croatia